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Golden Owl Forums

I’ve made the difficult decision to close the forum at Golden Owl Hunt. There are a number of reasons for this.

– It was regularly flooded with spam sign-ups, it was a lot of work going through hundreds of junk sign-ups to find the few genuine owlers who wanted to be new members.

– The forum was memory intensive and this has led to a couple of site crashes recently.

– The forum wasn’t much used, and there is now a thriving discussion forum for English speaking owlers on Discord.

If you have any questions about this, want to be put in touch with forum friends, or see old posts get in touch. 

Below are some of the best options for English language discussion about this treasure hunt. To find discussions in French check the community section of this page.


The most popular discussion forum is on Discord. If you’ve not tried Discord before it is very easy to use and works in a browser or as an app. The Discord server is operated by Michel Becker the organiser of the hunt, and although most of the discussion is in French there is an English language section too. Join HERE.




The Golden Owl of France Facebook group is an english language group that is starting to be used a little more recently. It currently has 189 members. Why not join and get the discussion started?

Join the group HERE.




The Mysterious Writings forum has a board devoted to the Golden Owl treasure hunt. It has a few active members and some interesting threads. Try the forum  HERE.




I use Reddit regularly so started a subreddit for the Golden Owl. It hasn’t really got off the ground, but like any community it just needs a few people to get the ball rolling! Try it HERE.




If there are any groups or forums I’ve missed please let me know. If there are enough UK based owlers for a live meet-up, perhaps in a London pub, get in touch and we’ll see if there’s enough people for a get together to talk owler things!

Happy hunting, Jo