650 – Generally accepted solution

Back to the Ponant, seek the Sentinels.
At 8000 measures from there, they are waiting for you.
Find them, you need to review them.

Solvability: Mostly a mystery. At this late stage you need a lot of information to understand this clue which reveals the location of the treasure.

‘When all is revealed’ must refer to understanding and processing the previous nine clues. No one has openly admitted to understanding all of those, and if anyone did they’d find a spade and dig up the treasure!

This is the penultimate clue, and maybe there is no point speculating about it when solving the previous clues is clearly necessary.

What are the ‘Sentinals’? The word suggests sentries or watching guards.

The word ‘Ponant’ is an archaic term for seafaring and the West. So, the direction is likely to be ‘East’ if your back is to the West. The place for this review is likely to be based on the final location of the last clue, the 560 enigma.

8000 measures is a very strange distance, because, presuming we are still using the 1:1,000,000 scale map at this stage, then this is a tiny distance. If we accept the game measure is 33cm then 8000 x 33 cm = 2640 m = 2.64 km. This is a tiny 3mm on the map. It’s hard to see how this kind of distance could confirm anything.

What does the review consist of? Does this review involve the numbers in the image? The first line of the next clue, the 520, may also merge with this one, ‘Between them, there would be only two intervals if they were aligned. But that would be a game too easy!’ Is Max suggesting we could align the sentinals?

The visual

The three figures can be presumed to represent the ‘sentinels.’ There must be two or more because of the use of the word ‘they.’ We might presume there are three in number due to the visual. Are they a feature on the map, a place, a thing? The numbers are not generally understood, the clues that have gone before must give them meaning.  What does 71721075 mean? Is the placing of the numbers on the image relevant? It is 7172 before the shovel, 1 on the shovel, then perhaps 075 is associated with the digging stage.

The figure holding the spade is presumed to be the treasure hunter but where does he dig? If we look at his throat there is a strange symbol, some people suggest it is a pi symbol, others suggest it looks like a guillitine. There are also a few lines drawn on the digger’s body, is this meaningful or artistic flair?


The position of the figure’s hand on the spade is the same proportions as the hilt of the sword in the 470 enigma. We don’t know if this is meaningful, but it seems to be likely.



Things to consider

The previous enigmas are key to this one, and must somehow reveal the Sentinals and what we do with them. It is probably wise to concentrate on the earlier clues before attempting to understand this one. We need to work out how the previous nine clues reveal the Sentinals, then the meaning and manner of using them will be clear.

In conclusion

The sentinals are unknown entitities, but clearly, they are key to solving the Golden Owl treasure hunt.

8000 measures using the game measure of 33cm is 2.63cm, a very small 3mm line on the map.

‘Back to the Ponant’ probably means East

When we look to the East we are most likely at the end location of the previous clue the 560.

Max made some suggestion that this clue and the next clue merge.

There are few theories about the numbers in the image, understanding the previous clues and the role of the sentinals will help us to make sense of them.

See also

Clue 10 – 650 enigma text

650 madits and links

< Previous clue

Next clue >

470 – Generally accepted solution

It’s the right path only when the arrow aims at the heart

My first multiplies by gaiety.
My Second offers you space,
My Third from the air, and my Fourth from the water.
When he’s lying down, my Fifth hums.
My sixth is worth a hundred, and my seventh is just one node.
My eighth tastes like laurel,
while my ninth, with astonishment, stays behind.
My tenth is always naked when there’s a link.
My eleventh, finally, is the unknown.

Find my All, and through the Opening you will see the light.

Solvability: Mostly solved


The solution is A_RONCEVAUX a Basque town.

The puzzling out is easier to understand in the French text, but an approximate solution is:

  • A because the A is multiplied to form a sound like laughter “AhAhAh”
  • space between two words;
  • R  for the air we are offered;
  • O for the water we are offered;
  • N when lying down, looks like the  “Z” symbol of snoring;
  •  in Roman numerals means “cent”;
  • E is only E (part of noeud) ;
  • V is the sign of victory that is traditionally rewarded by laurels;
  • A for an “Aaaahhh” of astonishment;
  • U explained by a French grammatical rule;
  • X , is the unknown (in mathematics solutions for example).

Roncevaux is a famous place in the history of France, it’s the location for the legendary defeat of Charlemagne and the death of Roland in 778, during the battle of Roncevaux Pass. The story of Roland’s death at Roncevaux Pass was embellished in later medieval and Renaissance literature. The first and most famous of these epic stories was the Old French Chanson de Roland of the eleventh century, in these stories Roland defends the rearguard with his Durandal sword.

The visual

The visual of the 470 seems to confirm the solution, since the rock represents a mini-map of the south-west of France, the sword being planted in Roncesvalles. The place itself could be both the Roncesvalles pass or the village of Orreaga / Roncevalles located in Spain.

The sword is likely to be Roland’s weapon, though some people think it could be Arthur’s famous sword in the stone.

Other points to consider

This clue appears to be mostly solved. Do we perhaps head from Bourges to Roncesvalles?

The style of the clue is almost identical in style to the riddles of the 530,  but the 470 is not rhymed, unlike the lines of the 530.

‘Find my all and through the Opening you will see the Light’, suggests that we consider Bourges the clue with the title ‘The Opening.’ But what is this Light? The many references to the Light is one of the great sticking points with the Golden Owl puzzle.

The debate about the sword is confusing, one of Max’s supplemantery clues mentions Merlin in passing, another said  “It happened in 778”  which seems to suggest this is the battle where Roland used the sword Durandal. 

In conclusion

This clue is almost certainly solved correctly revealing ‘A Roncesvalles.’

It isn’t clear why there is an ‘A’ before Roncesvalles when other town and city clues don’t use this.

The last line probably refers to Bourge as the ‘Opening’ referring to the 530 clue title.

The concept of the ‘light’ is first introduced here, but no one seems to know what this means.

The picture doesn’t seem to add much to the solution, but is this the sword of Roland in the stone?

See also

Clue 4 – 470 enigma text

470 – Madits and links

< Previous clue

Next clue >


470 enigma text

My First multiplies by gaiety.
My Second offers you space,
My Third air, and my Fourth water.
When he’s lying, my Fifth snores.
My Sixth is worth one hundred, and my Seventh is just one node.
My Eighth tastes like laurel,
While my Ninth, with astonishment, stays behind.
My Tenth is always naked when there’s a link.
My Eleventh, finally, is the unknown.
Found my all, and through the opening, you will see the light


Mon Premier par la gaîté se multiplie.
Mon Second t’offre de l’espace,
Mon Troisième de l’air, et mon Quatrième de l’eau.
Quand il est couché, mon Cinquième ronfle.
Mon sixième vaut cent, et mon Septième n’est qu’un noeud.
Mon Huitième a le goût du laurier,
Tandis que mon Neuvième, par l’étonnement, se traîne.
Mon Dixième est toujours nu quand il a une liaison.
Mon onzième, enfin, est l’inconnue.

Trouve mon Tout, et, par l’Ouverture, tu verras la lumière.

See also:

470 – Generally accepted solution

470 – Madits and links



560 – Generally accepted solution


When, at Carusburc, you will have Albion in the back,
Look for the Opening that reveals the Celestial Light.
Do not wait, do not ask for your rest, But get ready to walk on the water.
Twice, Neptune will come to your rescue And lead you away from the icy Septentrion.
Pursue your way and do not interrupt your journey
Before seeing through the opening, the becalmed Nave.
Without deviating an inch, draw a line, and you will not regret what you did.

Solvability:   We start in Cherbourg but don’t have much clue what happens next!

This clue begins in Cherbourg (old name Carusburc) with England (old name Albion) behind us, then a long route is described, involving a few mysterious locations including the ‘Nef Encalminée’ the enigmatic becalmed nave.

How the solution is reached

Only a few elements of this clue are understood. We know we begin in Cherbourg and the opening is almost certainly Bourges, the city found in the clue entitled ‘Opening.’ Walking on water may refer to drawing a line through the blue of the map, particularly as the clue image reflects this. We see ‘the becalmed nave’ through the opening, but what is this feature or place? We are instructed to draw a line from Bourges to the nave.

The visual

The picture shows a pencil drawing a line at an angle, perhaps it suggests a south-west direction from Cherbourg. The waters open and reveal a shell. It doesn’t seem like the image will help us solve this enigma.

Points to consider

A couple of the french words used in this clue have multiple meanings. Septentrion is a complex word that usually means North. “Without deviating an inch” uses the word “pouce” which can be translated to “inch”, but could also be translated as, “Without deviating from a thumb.”

The phrase ‘Nef Encalminée’ could refer to the kind of ‘nef’ which is medieval metalwork in the shape of a ship.

Cherbourg is listed in the 10 towns of the 580 enigma, as is Bourges, though it is not clear whether that is relevant.

‘Seek the Opening that reveals the Heavenly Light’ may refer to the ‘light from the sky’ in Golfe Juan and the previous clue. A line connecting Cherbourg, Bourges and Golfe Juan is perfectly aligned.

We start the clue with our back to England, so we are looking inland. Yet the helpers of Neptune suggest crossing the sea. Some people think the visual clue gives the direction to take, drawing a line southwest at a 45 ° angle towards the Channel Islands. Perhaps the shell represents an island?

We ‘persue our way’ and ‘do not interrupt our journey’ then the next stage of the clue has us at the ‘Opening’ (Bourges?) seeing the ‘Becalmed Nave.’ No one seems clear how we get here from the sea, or what the nave means. However if we ‘see’ the Nave ‘through’ Bourges, that suggests it is east of Bourges.

Some people believe the ‘nave’ of this clue and the ‘Black Perched Ship’ of the 600 are one and the same place. Max connected them in an additional clue, but he didn’t say they were the same place.

At the end of the puzzle we find the Nave and draw a line joining the ‘opening’ and the Nave, this is a line we ‘will not regret.’

The next clue 650 begins on a precise place, so presumably it is the end point of this clue, most likely the ‘nave.’ The madits tell us that “nothing slips between the 560 and 650”, they follow each other perfectly.

This clue’s title is a Latin phrase that means, “to great results by narrow ways.” It’s possible the phrase adds some detail to assist with the solution.

This clue uses archaic words for the place names, but why? Albion recalls the time of King Arthur, does this suggest this clue might link to the sword in the stone of the 470 enigma?

No one seems sure where the ‘Nef Encalminée’ is found. Is the ‘becalmed nave’ the same place as the ‘black perched ship?’

We walk on water, Neptune helps twice, and we escape the ‘icy’ North, but what is our direction? This must be detailed somewhere in this clue or the previous clues. We appear to draw a number of lines in this clue with key places still enigmatic.

In August 2023 Michel Becker gave an additional clue showing an image of a line from Cherbourg, which appears to suggest we draw a line heading over the sea towards Spain. You can find the image, and a discussion of its relevance in the additional clues section.

In conclusion

We need to know the direction to take from Cherbourg, and how to connect the ‘opening’ with the unknown place ‘the becalmed nave.’ Some lines must be drawn on the map with this clue, but until we solve the ‘nave’ mystery this will not be possible. The next clue connects to this one, so to progress beyond this point it’s important to solve this enigma.

See also

Clue 9 – 560 enigma text

560 madits and links

< Previous clue

Next clue >



560 enigma text

When at Carusburc, you will have Albion in the back,
Seek the opening that reveals the Heavenly Light.
Don’t linger, don’t ask for your rest,
But prepare yourself to walk on water.
Twice, Neptune will help you
And carry you away from the icy north.
Pursue your road and do not interrupt your journey
Before seeing, through the Opening, the becalmed Nave.
Without deviating an inch, draw a line,
And you will not regret what you did.



Quand, à Carusburc, tu auras Albion dans le dos,
Cherche l’Ouverture qui révèle la Lumière Céleste.
Ne t’attarde pas, ne demande pas ton reste,
Mais apprête-toi à marcher sur les eaux.

Par deux fois, Neptune viendra à ton secours
Et te mènera loin du Septentrion glacé.
Poursuis ta route et n’interromps pas ton parcours
Avant de voir, par l’Ouverture, la Nef encalminée.

Sans dévier d’un pouce, tire un trait,
Et tu ne regretteras pas ce que tu as fait.

See also:

560 – Generally accepted solution

560 – Madits and links

420 – Generally accepted solution


C’E-10752-365 LA Q-30667-E L’AIGLE
687-ARQ-30667-E DE 10752-E-10752 10752-ERRE-10752
DA-60140- 10752 LE 10752-ABLE,
CENT 4330-O-30667-R-10752 AVA-60140-365 DE 10752-E
CA-10752-10752-ER LE BEC
E-365 Y-CAP Y LAI-10752-10752-ER 10752-E-10752

So lend a bow to Apollo  :
from there, he will count 1969,697 measures towards the zenith.
In a 46,241,860th fraction of sidereal day,
his line will fall.
Hurry to find the arrow.

Solvability:   The place revealed by this clue is well known, but how do we fly and land Apollo’s arrow?

This clue reveals Golfe Juan in an enigma linked to Napoleonic history. Most Golden Owl clues use one theme but this one mixes up Napolean Bonaparte,the greek god Apollo, and the revolution of planets!

The first stage of the clue is solved with the reveal of the location Golfe Juan, but the second stage asks us to draw a line from this town and mark the place where Apollo’s arrow lands.

If we use the 33cm measure Apollo counts 1969.697 *0.33m = 650.00001 = 650m towards the zenith. 

How the solution is reached

The text is a mix of capital letters and numbers. We need to replace the numbers with letters by matching the initial letter of planets with the planet’s period of revolution around the sun in days.
365 = T = Terre / Earth
687 = M = Mars
4330 = J = Jupiter
10752 = S = Saturn
30667 = U = Uranus
60140 = N = Neptune
90677 = P = Pluton

We then find this clue:


This sentence in the original French is exactly 100 letters. 

The eagle in this sentence is Napoleon Bonaparte, and the hundred days refer to the historic period of the Hundred Days, which began with the landing of Napoleon at Golfe-Juan, after returning from his exile from the island of Elba , and ended with his defeat at the battle of Waterloo. The ‘there then’ suggests the  seaside resort of Golfe-Juan near Cannes, which marks the start of this period.

To solve the second stage of the puzzle is much harder. We can assume that an arrow is flown from Golfe Juan leaving a line traced on the map, but there are no instructions about the direction.

The clue says, ‘lend a bow to Apollo  from there, he will count 1969,697 measures towards the zenith. In a 46,241,860th fraction of sidereal day, his line will fall.’

With a measure of  33 cm, 1969,697 measures are 650m. Measuring towards the zenith suggests shooting into the air. As for where the arrow lands, a sidereal day represents the time taken by the earth to rotate on its axis relative to the stars. A sidereal day is worth 861646 seconds, so the fraction specified in this clue leads to a distance of 559 km based on the arrow flying at the speed of light. Here is the calculation to perform (via WikiChouette(86164/46241860) * 300000 = 559.000006

The way this translates to almost exactly  559km suggests this must be the correct solution. However, even though we know so much about Apollo and his arrow it’s difficult to understand what Max wants us to do with this information.

The visual

The image shows seven symbols for planets in a circle around an orange and black background, it’s not clear what this represents. There is a compass planted in an N for North, is this a clue to the direction we fly Apollo’s arrow?

Points to consider

The line ‘son trait s’abattra’ is translated here as ‘his line will fall’ but the word ‘trait’ has multiple meanings in French including bolt or shaft, which fits the bow and arrow theme.

The word flèche can mean both arrow and the spire of a church. Many people believe this hints at the famous church on the Rock of Dabo. The town is around 559km from Golfe Juan, and the height roughly 650 metres.

It’s not clear why Napoleon and Apollo connect here, it’s almost as if the two parts of this enigma were originally written as two clues. The use of planets perhaps connects to Apollo, with firing a celestial arrow skywards, and links with the Apollo space program?The number 1969,697 also has a vague link to the moon landing of 1969, as does the Eagle.

The theme of light is referenced again in the title. What is this light from the sky? Is it the sun, moon, or a star? Is it the same as the ‘heavenly light’ in the next enigma? Does the firing of the zenith arrow bring light somehow?

The compass in the visual has no obvious explanation, it is used for drawing circles. The alignment of the planet symbols also suggests a circle.

There are some missing planets in this clue. Mercury is not needed because Mars gives us a letter M, however, we would have expected V for Venus to be used for the word ‘AVANT’ (before.) There is no obvious explanation as to why Venus’ rotation of

243 days, is not used. Is ‘Venus’ perhaps a subtle remnant for the super solution?

The use of the term “trait” in the second paragraph, instead of the word “flèche” does suggest that we need to draw a line between Golfe-Juan and Dabo on the map of France. Max has never clearly confirmed this point.

An important clue to the path of the arrow was given by Max in his Tour de France additional clues. He revealed that the Tour de France cycle race crossed the path of Apollo’s arrow on July 15th 1993. On this day the cyclists travelled from Serre-Chevalier to Isola 2000 in the Alps. So it does seem certain that the arrow flies north from Golfe Juan, perhaps towards Carignan.

The fans of Dabo have another reason to support the town, which is just a little over 559km from Golfe Juan. A path to Dabo from Golfe Juan would appear to cross the Tour de France route.

The fact there are 100 letters to this clue and the word ‘CENT’ (one hundred) is revealed rather than coded may be meaningful, or maybe Max was only playing with the Napoleonic 100 days theme?

In conclusion

We need to draw a 559km arrow line from Golfe Juan and it seems it flies North, passing between Isola 2000 and Serre Chevalier.

There seems to be little guidance to the exact direction of the arrow, if we believe Dabo was the Spiral location in the previous clue then perhaps it lands there?

It is not clear how we translate a ‘zenith’ upward path of this arrow into a traced line on the map.

See also

Clue 8 – 420 enigma text

420 Madits and links

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